Sunday 11 December 2022

10 Best Parts of the Pandemic, Ranked

While the pandemic sucks and isn't something to be celebrated, some people have benefited from it differently. For example, recently, someone asked, “What was the best part of the pandemic for you?” Here are the top-voted responses.

10. Hermitting Became Normal


“All my hobbies are online, and so are my friends. It was like I'd been preparing to stay at home my entire life,” a commenter said. “Ha, I thought I was an extrovert before the pandemic, but after a few weeks of forced social detox, I realized how much I loved being by myself.”

9. Time to Grieve


One person said, “My wife died in August 2020 of cancer. The lockdowns meant I could grieve without any pressure. In the long run, this saved my life.” Another user stated, “I lost my son in May 2020, and I'm glad I didn't expect to keep face while grieving. Friends listened to me talk or read my messages, but I didn't have to smile and pretend I was okay. I firmly believe that is why I'm okay now.”

8. People Standing 6 Feet Away at All Times


“I wish this was more common. I still give a lot of space to people in front of me when I'm standing in line, but inevitably the person behind me is always right on my heels,” a user shared.

7. Sleeping In


Several people agreed, “Not having to get up early in the morning.” One person shared, “I used to have to be up at 6 am and was home at 6:30 pm every day. To get 8 hours of sleep, I would have to go to bed at 10 pm. ”

“That's 3.5 hours to prepare and eat dinner and walk the dog. No TV, no video games, no consistent gym schedule, it was terrible. But, WFH life, even if I work 50/60 hour weeks, has given me a work-life balance I never had before.”

6. Spending Time With Aging Pets


Santos_L_Halper_II said, “Spending time with aging pets. I had to put down a cat; he got to lay on my keyboard for the last few months and purr all day. I also have an old dog nearing the end, and I'm pleased I had those months at home with her.”

5. Working From Home


Internetpointswoot voted, “Work from home became legitimized unprecedentedly.” Another agreed, “Yes. It is by far the best part for me. I still work from home and like it much more than going to the office for eight hours daily. I graduated college in 2020, so I may never have to work in an office besides my internship. Fingers crossed.”

4. Time With a Loved One


One person shared, “I got furloughed. It meant I got to spend the pandemic shielding with my wife before she passed away last year. Words can't describe how grateful I am that I got so much extra quality time with my wife. It would've been impossible to have that much time if I had to work full-time.”

3. Weight Loss


Someone shared, “Lost 60 pounds, and my wife lost 75. We were fat. We're not anymore!” Fattydog said, “Us too. I lost 60lbs. My husband lost nearly 100. It's just because we had no bad food in the house, and there was no temptation to go out and eat.” Other users noted they gained weight before someone stated, “We all came out of this a Chunk, a Hunk or a Drunk….”

2. Not Getting Sick


One person stated, “Ironically, not getting sick.” “Right! I usually get a cold twice yearly (I have kids). However, during covid, since everyone was wearing masks, I didn't get sick except for catching covid,” shared a second user.

1. No Traffic


“Same. My normal 40-minute ride into work was 20 minutes, and my normal 60-minute ride home was 20 minutes,” admitted one user. Another added, “I noticed everyone started driving much faster, too, and that's basically the new speed limit now.”

We hope you enjoyed this Reddit response list of good things during the pandemic. Also, take a look at the Post-covid boom of adventure traveling.

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This article was produced and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.


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