Thursday, 5 January 2023

Cardi B Tweets Sends Tone-Deaf PSA, People Hate It

Millionaires and other wealthy people sometimes struggle to remember what food and other grocery items cost. However, when you can afford a personal shopper, it's an understandable dilemma to find yourself in, as Microsoft founder Bill Gates did in 2018.

Gates, who had virtually no idea what regular grocery items actually cost, got quite a few laughs on an episode of The Ellen Degeneres Show for his outrageous pricing on items like Totino's Pizza Rolls and Rice-a-Roni.

You won't find artist Cardi B in that same situation, however. The rapper recently published a PSA on Twitter lamenting the price of lettuce and how food prices overall were “ridiculous.”

While the following tweet got lots of attention, her original video PSA got mad love and hate.

@billyjohnsonjr wanted to let CardiB know that Whole Foods is expensive

@BrianSozzi wanted Cardi to know she's not alone in her ‘sphere' of the Universe.

While virtually no one agreed with them, @RashadShabazzz thinks it's much easier to eat out, being they're single, than to cook at home.

User @AprilNicoleinVA wasn't the only one to wonder what eating outside had to do with the overall prices of groceries.

@mevvybear thinks ‘being rich' means Cardi shouldn't care about grocery prices.

@lillie_vargas thinks selling eggs could be a nice side hustle, given their inflating price.

@86Soprano wants to know where Cardi's been over the last year.

@Brett21448762 wasn't the only one to mention Cardi's alleged voting record.

@donadelles suggested Cardi could try growing her own food with hydroponics.

User @justinwustinn thinks it might just be good to ‘eat air.'

@GetterOne isn't the only one who's noticed that the options for grocery shopping stores is becoming narrower and narrower.

While Cardi's tweet left plenty of people a little confused about what she meant, she definitely isn't wrong about grocery prices.

The Federal Reserve's (The Fed) policies on inflation and interest rates, along with the Trump and Biden administrations printing stimulus payments like madmen, are how we got the inflationary prices we're now suffering from.

Until the Fed figures out how to get interest rates higher, without jeopardizing the public's confidence in their policies, inflation may continue to run high.

This article was produced and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.


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