Thursday, 23 March 2023

From Front to Back: 50 Albums That Deliver Non-Stop Musical Brilliance

Do you have any favorite albums where you love every song? Those qualify as absolute bangers

What Albums Have 100% Amazing Songs?

Redditor u/imapersonme asked for “Albums where EVERY song is an absolute banger? As the title suggests, which album/s, in your opinion, have songs that are ALL absolute bangers or are catchy/memorable?”

They elaborated, “For me, it has to be Demon Days by Gorillaz. The spectrum of music they created there is extensive. Every song is memorable. I could go on. It featured some other fantastic artists with a few big radio hits.”

Redditors voted, and these are the top fifty albums after the vote!

Top 20 Albums That Are All Bangers

These albums were selected as your top twenty albums full of absolute bangers.

Album / Artist / Votes

Rumours / Fleetwood Mac / 6.1K

Queens of the Stone Age / Songs for the Deaf / 4.7K

Is This It / The Strokes / 4.5K

Rage Against the Machine / Rage Against the Machine / 4.4K

Discovery / Daft Punk / 4.3K

The Rise & Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars / David Bowie / 3.9K

Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) / Wu-Tang Clan / 3.1K

Ok Computer / Radiohead / 2.8K

Ten / Pearl Jam / 2.8K

Dark Side of the Moon / Pink Floyd / 2.7K

The Downward Spiral / Nine Inch Nails / 2.2K

Toxicity / System of a Down / 2.1K

Good Kid Maad City / Kendrick Lamar / 1.9K

Blue Album / Weezer / 1.9K

Hybrid Theory / Linkin Park / 1.7K

Revolver / The Beatles / 1.4K

London Calling / The Clash / 1.4K

Jagged Little Pill / Alanis Morissette / 1.4K

Lateralus / Tool / 1.3K

Top 21 – 40 Albums That Are All Bangers

These albums were selected and voted the next twenty albums full of absolute bangers.

The Stranger / Billy Joel / 1.2K

Massive Attack / Mezzanine / 1.2K

Exit Planet Dust / Chemical Brothers / 1.2K

Fear / John Cale / 1.2K

Master of Puppets / Metallica / 1.1K

Rust In Peace / Megadeath / 1.1K

Superunknown / Soundgarden / 1.1K

Songs In the Key Life / Stevie Wonder / 1.1K

Graceland / Paul Simon / 1K

Ready to Die / Notorious BIG / 1K

Nevermind / Nirvana / 1K

Hot Fuss / The Killers / 961

Relationship of Command / At the Drive-In / 941

The Cars / The Cars / 787

Moving Pictures / Rush / 760

Rubber Soul / The Beatles / 751

Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I Am Not / Arctic Monkeys / 695

In The Aeroplane Over The Sea / Neutral Milk Hotel / 695

Led Zeppelin IV. / Led Zeppelin / 584

Top 41 – 50 Albums That Are All Bangers

These are the final ten albums from forty to fifty of absolute hits!

Dirt / Alice In Chains / 577

Brothers In Arms / Dire Straits / 559

The Miseducation of Ms. Lauryn Hill / Lauryn Hill / 557

After the Gold Rush / Neil Young / 540

The Stone Roses / The Stone Roses / 540

Illmatic / Nas / 516

Purple Rain / Prince / 514

Dummy / Portishead / 513

Boston / Boston / 486

Aja / Steely Dan / 486

Did your favorite albums make this list?

This article was produced and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.


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