Saturday 15 April 2023

A Coworker Intentionally Ruined a TV Series Ending. How Should I Pay Her Back Ten-Fold?

Movies can be exciting and keep you on your toes, eager for what happens next. However, some people, like me, often can't stand the suspense and Google spoilers. In contrast, others thrive on the tension and inability to predict the plot's next move.

So, imagine how one who thrives on the thrill of suspense must feel when someone spoils their show by telling what happened on it without being asked to. Unfortunately, this happened to a man, whom we'll call Finn, and now he needs to get back at his coworker.

The Show

Finn and his coworker enjoy a particular show. They've watched multiple seasons and often talk about it after work. However, Finn could not watch the last season at the time of release and only watched the first episode, while his coworker watched five.

The coworker had finished the show by the time he got to where she was. She told him the ending was amazing and unbelievable, and she couldn't wait to discuss it with him.

Spoiler Alert

She repeatedly asked if he had finished the season, and he told her he was watching one episode per week. Then one time, she jokingly said that she would spoil the ending for him the following Monday, probably because she was tired of waiting. Finn politely asked her not to.

But a promise is a promise, isn't it? That Monday, she sent him an instant message on the work computer, which he assumed was work-related. It wasn't. It turns out she was spoiling the show's ending! Afterward, she came to his desk with a big grin and asked if he'd seen her message.

“This is not the real ending, is it?” he asked, and she confirmed his worst fears.

Ruined the Ending

Finn was annoyed but remained cordial and changed the subject to something work-related. He knows she was messing with him and that the spoilers could be fake, but confirming that would be him spoiling the show for himself.

He still wants to watch the rest of the season but thinks he will be less enthusiastic. He has lost interest in it, and it's sad because it used to be one of his favorite shows. Now, he wants to know how to pay this coworker back tenfold if she spoiled the ending for him.

To this, people have the wildest suggestions.

“Spoil” Her Reputation

There are many ways to get back at Finn's coworker for her heinous crime, and one way would be by preventing others from suffering the same fate.

One person suggests that each time Finn overhears her discussing TV shows with other coworkers, there is something he could “jokingly” do.

“Laugh and say, ‘Be careful; she'll spoil the show's end for you. She did that to me once,” they said, adding how important it is for him to do this in a “joking way” every time.

Actions Have Outcomes

Another way, a contributor says, is by teaching her that actions have outcomes.

They think Finn should only talk to her about work-related items. Then, when she asks why he's changed, he can tell her he couldn't trust her to avoid spoiling something else.

If she replies by downplaying it, he could say something like, “I'm sure you feel that way, but I don't. You intentionally went out of your way to ruin something for me, and I don't want it to happen again. You're just going to have to accept that this is the outcome of what you did.”

Payback… Think Evil

Let's admit it — good is sometimes dull. Another man shares the story of what he did when something like this happened to him in the past.

He put her phone number on a local website equivalent to eBay, listing items for crazy low prices. Her phone got bombarded by calls, and he would list something new every few days. Then he convinced her to change her phone number within the week, and guess what? He did the same thing with her new number. He never told her what he did.

Cut Her Off

According to someone else, Finn could just totally cut her off. Friends don't act that way to each other, and she isn't worth any “potential workplace drama” that may result from him trying to get revenge. Life is short, and there's no time to waste.

This thread inspired this post.

This article was produced and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.


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