Tuesday 11 April 2023

Environmental Virtue Signaling: Survey Finds Americans Exaggerate Their Sustainable Practices To Impress

Is “green” the new black? A new survey reveals that many Americans are guilty of “greenwashing” or pretending to be more environmentally sustainable than they actually are.

According to new research, “Greenwashing” has become the new “catfishing.” A survey of 2,000 Americans revealed that people pretend to be more environmentally sustainable when others are around and exaggerate their environmentally sustainable practices to impress others.

People's Behavior Towards Environmental Sustainability

The survey, commissioned by Avocado Green Mattress and conducted by OnePoll, also found that more than half of respondents are less likely to practice environmentally sustainable habits if nobody can see them. However, some respondents admitted that caring for the planet and protecting it for future generations were the top reasons for being environmentally sustainable. Respondents also wanted to be positive role models and said their loved ones encouraged them to be sustainable.

Motivations for Being Environmentally Sustainable

The survey revealed that societal pressure and not wanting to be judged were not the top reasons for being environmentally sustainable. In fact, 73% of respondents agreed that people's motivations for being environmentally sustainable did not matter as long as they were taking environmentally sustainable actions.

Corporate Perspective: Greenwashing and Customers' Purchasing Behavior

While some individuals may be guilty of “greenwashing,” the survey also delved into this from a corporate perspective. The survey found that 45% of respondents have purchased an item solely because it was marketed as sustainable. Still, only 27% are “very confident” they can tell when a company is genuine about its environmentally sustainable practices.

Importance of Environmentally Sustainable Practices in Businesses

The survey results showed that 79% of respondents believe it is essential to shop at environmentally sustainable companies, and 78% agree that more companies should be committed to environmentally sustainable practices. Companies know that customers prefer “green” brands, but it can be challenging to distinguish what's genuinely sustainable from what's greenwashing.

Therefore, some businesses let independent, third-party certifications validate that they operate at the highest social and environmental responsibility standards.

For What Reasons Do Americans Want To Be Environmentally Sustainable

  • I care about the planet and want to protect it for future generations
  • It feels like the right thing to do
  • It makes me feel good
  • I want to be a positive role model for others
  • My loved ones encourage me to be sustainable
  • It makes me look good to others
  • Pressure from society
  • I don’t want other people to judge me

What “Greenwashing” Tactics Have Respondents Seen Companies Engage In

  • Using green imagery or buzzwords without actually implementing sustainable practices — 47%
  • Highlighting one or two sustainable practices or products while ignoring other environmentally harmful ones within the company — 44%
  • Ignoring or downplaying negative environmental or social impacts of products or practices — 40%
  • Make vague or misleading claims about their environmental impact without providing specific details — 39%
  • Using third-party certifications or labels that are not verified or have low standards for sustainability — 33%

Survey Methodology:

This random double-opt-in survey of 2,000 general population Americans was commissioned by Avocado Green Mattress between March 7 and March 8, 2023. It was conducted by market research company OnePoll, whose team members are members of the Market Research Society and have corporate membership to the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) and the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR).

This article was produced by Talker News and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.

source https://wealthofgeeks.com/green-black/

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