Friday, 12 May 2023

10 Common Sense Things a Shocking Amount of People Don’t Know

Welcome to a world where common sense isn't always so common. It's a place where people manage to complicate the simplest of tasks, and where the most obvious solutions remain hidden in plain sight. But fear not, because we're about to embark on a journey that will uncover those hidden gems of wisdom that many seem to have overlooked.

So, fasten your seatbelts, hold onto your hats, and get ready to have your mind blown as we delve into the realm of the everyday things that should be common knowledge, but for some reason, aren't.

1. How To Tell When Food Is Spoiled

Credit: Photoroyalty/Shutterstock.

A Redditor said, “How to tell if food has gone bad. When I worked in a meat department, we got like one call a day from people saying, “I bought this X days ago. Is it still good?” Lady, I'm not there with you; this isn't a smellophone. You'll have to use your own senses and brain on this one.”

Another user said, “By the time most meat smells bad, it has been unsafe to consume for a while. This is especially true for ground meat.” “I recently started in the meat dept at Walmart and have learned that if the clear wrap on any of the meat on the shelf is bulging, then it's bad,” commented another.

2. Tax Brackets

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Photo Credit: SORANAT7/Shutterstock.

“Tax brackets. You only pay the higher rate on the portion above the threshold amount.” Tohren27 shared, “I work in manufacturing and make enough that we're right below the threshold for the next tax bracket. Yet, SO MANY of my coworkers refuse to take overtime ONLY because they think they'll make less money on their paycheck than if they didn't.”

Another user shared, “My high school economics teacher told my class that he refused a raise because it would put him in a higher tax bracket. That is when I learned you don't have to know a subject to teach it.”

3. Waiting for The Elevator to Clear

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

DVWhat answered, “You should wait for people to get off the elevator when it arrives at your floor instead of cramming yourself in when the doors open, blocking their departure. The same goes for public transportation.” “Also, keep walking when you go through a door or step off an escalator,” a second commenter added.

4. Chicken Needs To Be Thoroughly Cooked

Instant Pot Chicken Recipes - Man cutting chicken fillet while watching online cooking course via laptop in kitchen
Image Credit: New Africa and Shutterstock.

“A guest requested their chicken to be cooked medium rare this week. I don't understand why I must stress that chicken only leaves the kitchen when it's thoroughly cooked,” admitted one Redditor. NotBettyGrable shared, “A colleague tried raw chicken hearts on vacation. Some local thing. He was violently ill.”

5. First Aid

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

KateA535 stated, “People living alone, please Google how to do a Heimlich on yourself. And remind yourself regularly. It could save your life when you have no one else around.” Another user admitted she saved her own life using the back of a chair.

Finally, a third added, “How to respond to an emergency: Who to call. How to clearly identify and state your location. When to stay in place or move and how to prevent more injury.”

6. Spotting Obvious Scams

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“How to spot an obvious scam. Look how many people fall for those clickbait articles, chain posts, propaganda, etc.,” stated one Redditor. A second replied, “Many scammers don't even try to be subtle because they are intentionally looking for gullible people.”

“Omg, my mother. At least once a week, I have to tell her that if “M&T” or “Amazon” texts you a link to click, it's always a scam. And yet, she asks me if she should click it every week,” admitted a third commenter. Finally, a fourth volunteered, “I cannot believe people still post those Facebook privacy declarations.” Seriously, though. Every year.

7. Machines Require Maintenance

Credit: Stokkete/Shutterstock.

WhatAGoodDoggy volunteered, “That pretty much every machine requires maintenance. Think dishwashers, washing machines, cars, mowers, etc. They aren't magic boxes. And they will last longer if you know how to maintain them. My mother-in-law is in her 80s. And until recently, didn't know that the dishwasher needs its filters cleaned every so often.”

8. Not To Pour Water Into Hot Oil

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One user admitted, “I did this once when I was fifteen. I have no idea why I knew you weren't supposed to do it. It was one of the most terrifying moments of my life. Thank God my brother was home, ran in the kitchen, and took the pan outside.”

“Never, never, NEVER try to put out a grease fire with water,” a second person commented. “Also, don't pour hot oil down the sink, or it does the same explosive action with the water in the p-trap. I had a family member learn this one the hard way,” concluded a third commenter.

9. How Long It Takes for a Semi-Truck To Stop

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One user added, “And that truck drivers can't necessarily see you down there, so give them space!” Another stated, “I'm an OTR trucker. I advise people that it's safe to merge back into the travel lane when you can see where their steer (front) tires meet the road.”

“Different trucks have different windshields and headlight positions –other standard metrics– but the one variable that doesn't change from truck to truck is where the rubber meets the road. Peep that in your rearview, and you're good, provided you keep going.”

10. Antibiotics Aren't for Viruses

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Image Courtesy of Dragana Gordic & Shutterstock.

The number one voted response is, “Antibiotics do not work on a virus.” One user agreed, “YES! All these idiots demanding antibiotics for a minor sniffle and the spineless doctors prescribing them are creating superbugs, making everything worse for everyone.”

What do you think? Did viewers get this right? Did you know all of these things?

This thread inspired this article.

This article was produced and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.


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