Friday, 5 May 2023

The 12 Party Mistakes You Don’t Even Know You’re Making

Ah, parties. There's nothing quite like them, is there? The music, the dancing, the laughter, the good company – it's all a recipe for a fantastic time. But what happens when someone does something that kills the vibe? You know, the little things that can instantly turn a lively atmosphere into a dull one? It's those moments that we all dread. We've all been there — a party that starts out with high hopes and excitement, only to be brought down by a series of unfortunate events.

But fear not, my friend! Here are twelve moments that party-goers claim ruin the party mood. 

1. Turning a Bright Light On

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The best way to drive a crowd out of a party is by flashing a fluorescent light on a previously low-lit space. If you've ever gone to midnight bowling, you know the disco lights keep the party going, but when it's closing time, the main lights snap on, and the crowd flutters. 

2. Those Who Had Too Much 


Imbibing at parties is great for some, but imbibing too much, not so much. When party guests don't know their limits, their behavior ruins the vibe for other individuals hanging around, and someone always becomes a babysitter. In college, one of my friends drank a little more than she could handle, and she begged a few people to walk her home so she could watch The Little Mermaid.

3. Switch From Recorded Music To Live Music

Image Credit: Shutterstock

Many people on the internet said the guy with the guitar puts a damper on the mood and ends with an out-of-tune cover of an overplayed song. 

“Hey now, I've been playing guitar for decades, and all I can say is, you're absolutely right. I never play at a party unless I am specifically asked to and all present are in on it. It's just goofy posturing otherwise,” a guitar player writes.

4. The Sad Person That Needs All The Attention

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Photo Credit: Viacheslav Boiko/Shutterstock.

Every party has one of them. Someone crying in the corner requires everyone to stop what they're doing and flock to their needs. The sad party-goer tends to bring up everything negative in the world, their life, and how they shouldn't even be at the party in the first place.

5. Couples Fighting

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

You know the awkward feeling when you're in a public space, and a couple starts getting verbally aggressive with one another. At first, the comments seem playful until you notice the look on their respective faces, and the room grows quiet. Nothing kills a mood quicker than a couple fighting over something inconsequential while others want to chill and dance. 

6. Bad DJ

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DJs who switch the song before the beat drop, those who cannot read the vibe of the party and play the wrong genre of music, a drunk person who gets ahold of the aux for too long, queuing their favorite breakup songs, bad DJs populate the party scene 

7. Avoidable Injuries

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Image Credit:

Have you ever attended a party where someone indulged too much in libations and thought they were the next Tony Hawk? Several party-goers say they know the party is ricocheting downhill when Ricky hops on top of the roof, shouting his plan to triple-flip into the shallow end of the pool.

8. Talking Politics

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“Talking politics. Nobody cares what side you’re on, and you don’t sound as smart as you think you are because you watch the daily news,” a partier shares.

9. The Judgmental Guest

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Image Credit: Deposit Photos – aldarinho.

With social outings come the obligatory judgmental guests. Those who sit in the corner and look down on everyone around them while airing their criticism to whoever will listen, or worse, in silence. The captious party observes everyone in the room while tilting their head a little higher.

10. Foul Smells 

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Party aficionados claim foul smells and odors kill the mood real quick. Between flatulence, body odor, and sockless shoes, parties serve as hotspots for myriad unpleasant smells. 

11. Police 

Image Credit: Warner Bros.

Unless your friend works as a cop, the police force stopping by a shindig is not usually received well. Cops show up to parties for a few reasons, a neighbor had enough of the boisterous ruckus, someone got hurt, or the stakes are about to change. 

12. Uninvited Guests

Americans Are Partying Again. Avoid These Party Fouls to Snag an Invite!
Image Courtesy of Jacob Lund & Shutterstock

The random, uninvited guests who wander into the party house or strangers who stumble into the event on their way somewhere else. Some say the uninvited take advantage of free food and beverages, while others claim they disrupt the mood of the get-together. A few partiers state when the strangers show up, it's time to go. 

This thread inspired this post. 

This article was produced and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks


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